首页 - 教师队伍 - 教员 - 国家生物医学成像科学中心









主要研究方向为分子活性成像探针及光遗传学工具的设计与应用。并通过多学科交叉,涵盖蛋白质工程、显微成像系统以及深度学习等多个新兴领域。在Cell, Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Communication,Optics Express等高水平期刊发表论文十余篇,被引用过千次(截至2022.4)。长期作为多个杂志的审稿人,包括Cell Reports Method, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Frontiers in Chemistry等。


2005-2009 华中科技大学,生物医学工程本科

2009-2014 华中科技大学,中科院生物物理研究所 博士 (导师:徐涛院士)


2015.1 – 2019.4 北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校,博士后

2019.5 – 2022.4 北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校,研究助理教授

2022.4 – 威斯尼斯人老品牌官网(中国)集团有限公司,助理教授


n 暂无


1. Liu, B.*, Stone, O.*, Pablo, M.*, et al. Biosensors based on peptide exposure show single molecule conformations in live cells. Cell. 184(22):5670-5685.e23. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.09.026 (2021).

2. Jin, L.*, Liu, B.*, #, Zhao, F., et al. Deep learning enables structured illumination microscopy with low light levels and enhanced speed. Nat Commu. 11, 1934 (2020)

3. Liu, B., Marston, D.J., Hahn, K.M. Engineering Optogenetic Protein Analogs. Methods Mol Biol. 2173: 113-126 (2020). (book chapter)

4. Stone, O.*, Kaul, N.*, Liu, B.*, et al. Optogenetic control of Cofilin and αTAT in living cells using Z-lock. Nat Chem Biol 15, 1183–1190 (2019).

5. Liu, B.*, Hobson, C.*, et al. VIEW-MOD: a versatile illumination engine with a modular optical design for fluorescence microscopy. Opt. Express 27, 19950-19972 (2019)

6. Liu, B.*, Xue, Y.*, Zhao, W.*, et al. Three-dimensional super-resolution protein localization correlated with vitrified cellular context. [J]. Scientific reports, 2015, 5.

7. Chen, S.*, Li, L.*, Li, J.*, Liu, B., et al. SEC-10 and RAB-10 coordinate basolateral recycling of clathrin-independent cargo through endosomal tubules in Caenorhabditis elegans [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2014, 111(43): 15432-15437.

8. Chang, H.*, Zhang, M.*, Ji, W.*, Chen, J., Zhang, Y., Liu, B., Lu, J., Zhang, J., Xu, P., and Xu, T. (2012). A unique series of reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins with beneficial properties for various applications. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.

9. Zhang, M.*, Chang, H.*, Zhang, Y.*, Yu, J., Wu, L., Ji, W., Chen, J., Liu, B., Lu, J., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Xu, P. and Xu, T. (2012). Rational design of true monomeric and bright photoconvertible fluorescent proteins. Nature Methods.