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Human Retinal Organoids for Disease Modeling and Regeneration

摘要:Since 2012, three-dimensional (3D) retinal organoids, a human retina-like tissue differentiated from PSCs, have facilitated the generation of highly mimetic retinas with self-organized and well-structured layers, composed of light-sensitive photoreceptors and other functional cell types. Faithfully recapitulating retinal development, we have been successfully “seen” the disease progression and mimetic therapeutics in dish by using patient-iPSC-derived retinal organoids. In addition to these findings, we will present a brand-new, man-made human retinal organ by incoperating high-purity microglia differentiated from hPSCs and vascular organoids and its potential applications for regenerative medicine and drug discovery.

报告人简介:金子兵,教授、主任医师、博士生导师。北京同仁医院副经理、北京市眼科研究所所长。长期从事自体诱导干细胞再生视网膜研究。全国防盲技术指导组副组长、全国防盲办负责人;国家眼科质量控制中心副主任、质量研究部主任。创始发起中国高度近视研究联盟(CHARM)。获得国家杰出青年科学基金和优秀青年科学基金支持,享受国务院特殊津贴。曾获得亚太眼科学会成就奖、中国青年科技奖。发表PNAS、Nature Communications、Science Advances、Progress in Retinal and Eye Research等文章。